Project duration: 24 months
Timeline: 01.11.2022 – 31.10.2024
Field addressed: Financial education for women

About the project
FINPOWER aims to address the significant gender gap in financial literacy present in Austria, Italy, Portugal, Lithuania, Slovenia and Romania, as highlighted by the OECD’s international survey on adult financial literacy in 2020.
Women face significantly lower rates of financial literacy, so the project aims to empower them by increasing their skills in sustainable financial literacy.
We focus on the diverse needs of women, including young women, those with families, the unemployed and those in rural areas, and through FINPOWER we target adult education training providers, women’s associations and the wider female population.
The project aims not only to fill the knowledge gap, but also to increase women’s confidence in financial matters by addressing the disparities identified in the European Consumer Payment Report.
With a holistic approach, FINPOWER aims to increase the capacity of training institutions for effective digital education and to provide tailored training to female providers.
Ultimately, the project strives to reduce gender inequality in financial literacy by starting from the unique challenges women face in earning less, saving less and living longer while being responsible for comparable living expenses to men.
Improving women’s skills in sustainable financial literacy
Increasing the capacity and readiness of training institutions to manage an effective shift to digital education
Addressing women’s needs by providing appropriate tools to women’s training providers and delivering pilot microlearning in sustainable finance
Reducing gender inequality in financial literacy
A catalogue showing the gaps in financial education training for women in Austria, Italy, Lithuania, Portugal and Romania.
Gaps are identified based on the results of desk research, focus group interviews and the online survey that were implemented in all countries mentioned. The results show that there is no formal education programme on sustainable finance education for women in the countries surveyed.
There are only single initiatives that often cover only one aspect of financial education and most of them are not available for free.

FINPOWER Microlearning Guide
A paradigm shift in learning
Microlearning is a transformative approach that is revolutionising education by delivering short, focused, subject-specific content in short sessions lasting between 2 and 10 minutes.
This method optimizes learning while keeping learners engaged and aligning with today’s fast-paced lifestyle.
The microlearning guide is a gateway to this transformative approach. Whether you’re an educator, trainer or eager learner, this guide gives you practical information and guidance to reshape the way you learn.




Funded by the European Union. The views and opinions expressed are, however, solely those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the European Union or the European Agency for Education and Culture (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor the EACEA can be held responsible for this.[Project Nr. 2022-1-AT01-KA220-ADU-000087985]