SIDE: Social Innovation, Design to Enterprise


Project duration: 15 months

Timeline: 1.12.2022 – 01.03.2024

Area addressed: Social innovation, personal and professional development

SIDE: Social Innovation, Design to Enterprise

is an ERASMUS+ project that aims to have an integrative approach to social innovation initiatives and a palette of resource tools for partner organisations as well as organisations in their extended networks. The project covers three dimensions – Social Innovation, Professional and Personal Development and Project Design and Management – which are further developed throughout the project through training courses and online resources. The aim is to make these resources accessible to all those interested: young people, youth workers and facilitators.

About the project

SIDE started from the need to train capable youth workers and empower young people to become more active in their communities by developing skills in entrepreneurship and social innovation (SI), professional and personal development (PPD), and project design and management (PDM). The project aims to provide equal access and opportunities for young people, regardless of their background, social, and economic status or other criteria.

The main aim of the project is to create a better approach to social innovation initiatives, and a collection of tools that can be accessed by partner organisations as well as organisations in their networks.

The learning process of the 3 project dimensions involves a teaching and training activity (for youth workers), a local dissemination activity (for young people and youth workers) and a mentoring/coaching programme for young people interested in learning more about these topics. The process follows the same structure for all 3 areas.



Creation of 3 training courses in which 2 members from each partner organisation will participate to acquire and put into practice tools for EU project design and management (PDM), social innovation (SI), personal and professional development (PPD). They, in turn, will form 10-12 groups of experts from local communities on these topics and support (coaching/mentoring) this group of up to 12 in each country to implement a project or start a social enterprise.


Promote cooperation in the areas covered by the project to increase the capacity of partners to carry out social innovation activities and enable transformation and change in organisations and the community, during the life of the project and beyond.


Raise awareness of existing possibilities around social innovation, tools and funding opportunities at all levels (local, regional, national, European) and expand the network of partner organisation at local and European level.


Each phase of the project involved a training activity for youth workers from the partner organisations (Learning, Teaching or Training Activity), as well as a dissemination workshop for young people in the local communities, and mentoring sessions in each area covered by the project.

To conclude each phase, infographics and booklets were created containing the information delivered in the trainings, with the aim of being used by other organisations/other youth workers in their work with young people.

Social Innovation

Project overview


Social Innovation and Social Enterprises


Social Innovation


Personal and professional development

Understanding Yourself, Part I


Understanding Yourself, Part II


Personal and Professional Development


Design and Project Management

Project Design and Management


Competences of a Project Manager


Project Management Extended





Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them. [Project no. 2022-1-RO01-KA210-YOU-000082491]