Timeline: 1.02.2023 – 01.01.2025
Focus area: Well-being for young people
is an ERASMUS+ project that aims to improve the well-being of young people by creating and promoting a self-care app, developed from international experiences and non-formal education.
The aim of the Chakras is to provide young people with a self-care tool, combining psychological and physical health services in one application. It aims to reduce stress and anxiety by promoting the use of technology for personalised wellness solutions.
Chakras leverages non-formal education for personal development, integrating guided meditations and electronic journals into the app. The project provides a safe space for experiential learning and self-reflection, tailored to users’ needs.
Ultimately, Chakras aims to create a supportive online community where users share self-care practices and success stories. This community will act as an inspirational and supportive network for the continuous improvement of young people’s mental and physical health.
Description of specific non-formal education methods strengthened by 4 partner organisations from Italy, Czech Republic, Greece and Romania to be used to support young people to achieve self-care.
Digitise the identified methods by creating a beta version of an online application. The app has the structure of an accessible digital kit (app) that young people can rely on to develop mindful self-care practices that will help them cope with stress and anxiety in everyday life.
Create the final version based on beta testing.
Promote the long-term sustainability of the app by creating a digital community where young people have the opportunity to support each other to face the challenges in their lives and share their reflections.
With non-formal education tools, we create safe spaces for people to connect with each other and, most importantly, with themselves. Non-formal education uses holistic and experiential methods that aim to mobilise the learner’s body, mind and emotions, so self-reflection and personal development are essential.
A1 - Project management
The purpose of the meeting is to create a common understanding of the project framework among partner organisations and to examine specific details such as: objectives, roles and responsibilities, project timeline, budget, tools and strategies for project management, financial management, deadlines, quality assurance, evaluation and communication. During this meeting, we will go through our Internal Partnership Agreement (IPA) to check that all points are still relevant at the time of implementation and, if necessary, update the IPA. The lead partner will provide all necessary documentation and templates to ensure efficient workflows and smooth financial management.
A3 - Self-care tools at local level
This activity aims to identify and evaluate non-formal methods that meet the specific needs of local and international young people. The work lasts 6 months and is implemented in 3 phases:
Phase 1: An initial survey is conducted to develop the beta version of the application. This survey is promoted online, both locally and internationally, using Google Form, and the questions are translated into both English and the local languages spoken by local target groups. When all the responses are collected (50 local responses for each community and 100 international responses), youth workers meet and compare the survey results with the needs analysis done in the application phase (which has already been done with Google Form). This will help to check whether the needs highlighted in the planning phase are still relevant or have changed.
Phase 2: It is structured in 4 physically organised meetings in each local community. Here, youth workers involve local young people aged 18-30 to participate in structured non-formal activities based on analysed needs. The workshops offered by the youth workers are carried out with methods related to mindfulness and emotional intelligence, aiming to help young people achieve reconnection and self-reflection. This second phase ends with a 5th meeting dedicated to the evaluation of the work with young people.
Phase 3: Consists of writing a booklet with specific and consolidated methods to be used to support young people to achieve self-care in each local community. This booklet is written by youth workers in each local community involved in the project. This phase ends with a meeting to collect ideas for applying the tools in an online environment.
A4 - online tools and app development
The main outcome of this activity is the experience of the applicability of non-formal methods designed to support young people to achieve self-care and self-reflection in an online environment. With this result, we want to reach out to young people who, due to personal or professional obligations, do not have the opportunity to participate in international mobility or participatory activities. Building on our learnings consolidated during the digital experience of the lockdown, we want to provide a tool where everyone has access to non-formal methods to take care of themselves and achieve self-reflection.
A5 - A sustainable app
This activity demonstrates the replicability and long-term sustainability of an educational app by training 20 youth workers in applying their methods digitally, adapting the app to the changing needs of young people and the non-formal methods developed. This confirms that the app can continually evolve to effectively meet the needs of young people.
Outcomes of the activity include expanding the team of youth workers able to use and promote the app, by adding 20 trained youth workers to the 12 creators of the app, ready to train other youth workers and teachers in the future. In addition, the activity will raise awareness of at least 400 people, including teachers and students, about the importance of self-care and knowledge of self-care tools, while promoting awareness of the Erasmus+ programme and international mobility opportunities.
Funded by the European Union. The views and opinions expressed are, however, solely those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the European Union or the European Agency for Education and Culture (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor the EACEA can be held responsible for this.[Project No. 2022-3-CZ01-KA210-YOU-000097244]